Monat Global Reviews – Just Another MLM Scheme?

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Welcome to my Monat Global review, a young company that is probably the only direct selling company that sells exclusively hair care products.

There are so many Monat Global reviews on the net but not all of them tell the whole truth about this MLM company.

There are countless opportunities out there to get involved in direct selling and multi-level-marketing that promises you the freedom to choose your own (working) hours and the opportunity to earn big bucks.

But the reality is often very different. In most cases, only a few sales representatives make it to the top and are able to earn a good income.

My Monat Global review will show in detail what it takes to get involved with this company and if it is the right business for you.

So if selling hair care products is your thing then read on and find out more about the Monat Global business opportunity.

Looking for a business opportunity that doesn’t involve recruiting or selling? Read my # 1 recommendation here.

Monat Global Review – Just Another MLM Scheme?

What Is The  Monat Global Company All About

monat global logo

Monat Global is a family owned and operated business that is based in Miami. It manufactures and distributes premium hair care products but also some business apparels and accessories.

As I mentioned before, the company is very young. It was launched in October 2014 so it has been operating only for around four years.

The Urdaneta family immigrated from Latin America to the States and is now running a profitable direct selling business with Monat Global. Most family members are in leading positions with dad Luis Urdaneta as the chairman and co-founder, and son Ray as the CEO.

Daughter Lu is the director of gratitude and recognition, and son Javier is chief of staff.

Despite the ‘young’ age, Monat Global has expanded their business recently to Canada, and the United Kingdom.

The Products

monat global products

Monat Global is the only direct selling company, as far as I know, that sells exclusively premium hair care products.

According to the company, the products are naturally based, scientifically proven and don’t contain any toxic ingredients.

I do like the fact, that the products are leaping bunny certified which means they are not tested on animals.

As with so many other MLM companies, the products are more expensive than similar products that are available via Amazon, WalMart, or iherb for instance.

A bottle of 8.0 fl.oz Renew shampoo as an example retails at $35 (for VIP customers $30). To compare I can get a similar shampoo with no nasties, cruelty-free, made in the US with natural ingredients and 14fl.oz for $7 on iherb!

What a huge difference! Also, there are a few customer reviews that report of negative effects the Monat Global products had on their hair. More about it later.

One of the bestsellers is probably the advanced hydrating system that is infused with Rejuveniqe, a blend of more than 13 natural plants and essential oils.

Besides hair care products, Monat Global also sells apparels and accessories.

How To Join – The Business Opportunity

To become a Monat Global market partner, you’ll need to purchase a starter kit which costs at least $99. It contains assorted product samples, a SMART (fast start) roadmap, a workbook, price list, a product magazine, and other marketing materials.

monat starter kit

There are, of course, more expensive kits available:

  • $199 – Essentials Product Pack
  • $299 – Business Product Pack
  • $399 – Success Product Pack
  • $649 – Overachiever Product Pack

The annual renewal fee is $19.95. It looks like there are no additional costs o pay for a replicated website.

According to the company, Monat Global has more than 100 000 market partners.

The Compensation Plan

monat global personal sales

As you can see in the above screenshot, you will earn a 30% commission on personal sales and 15% on sales generated by VIP customers.

The basic commission will increase the more monthly sales you have with a maximum of 40% when you reach more than $3000 Personal Volume a month.

The entry level is the marketing partner. From there you can work your way up as follow:

  1. Managing Marketing Partner
  2. Associate Market Builder
  3. Market Builder
  4. Managing Market Builder
  5. Associate Market Mentor
  6. Market Mentor
  7. Managing Market Mentor
  8. Associative Executive Director
  9. Executive Director
  10. Senior Executive Director.

monat global commission plan

To qualify for downline commissions you’ll need to maintain at least 200PV a month which increases to up to 500 PV the higher your rank.

For every person you are personally sponsoring, you can also get a bonus depending on the value of the starter kit the person is purchasing.

To read the full compensation plan, please click here.

Can You Make Money With Monat Global

The question remains though if one can make a decent income as a marketing partner with Monat Global.

Even though the commission plan is pretty extensive with lots of bonus payments and the opportunity to earn up to 40% commission on retail sales, there are a few things that I find questionable.

First up the VIP program: it is basically a membership/auto-ship program for customers to receive free shipping and 15% off on their favorite products.

It sounds all good in theory but there is a one-time fee of $19.95 payable plus the customer must agree to receive three flexship orders of at least $84 each time they order.

That is a lot of money and mostly these term and conditions are not clear for many customers as I will highlight when it comes to common complaints.

A marketing partner will also only receive a 15% commission on a VIP customers order. Not very attractive!

Secondly, the product range is obviously not very comprehensive with the main focus on anti-aging premium hair care products. It makes it more difficult to find customers who will fall in love with the products and are willing to sign up for the VIP program.

So, I’d say, that making a good income is very challenging since the product range is limited and therefore only appeals to certain people.

Which brings me to the next point. What does customer complain about and how does Monat Global do with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

BBB Rating And Common Customer Complaints

Well, Monat Global doesn’t do very well when it comes to the BBB who only rated them a “D” due to over 800 (!) complaints.

They even put a hold on customer reviews because the feedback was filed by mainly sales affiliates.

There are mainly two things customers have complained about: the first one is related to the VIP program. People feel trapped with the flexship order of $84 per order. Most of the customers didn’t even know what the minimum requirements are when they signed up for the membership.

Others reported of billing issues, difficulties to cancel the membership or not getting a refund for products they didn’t like despite the 30-day money back guarantee.

The second biggest issue reported by customers were problems with the products themselves. Some have been experiencing problems with increased hair loss, and itchiness of their scalp.

Overall, over 800 complaints in just four years of being in business is a lot.

Pros And Cons Of The Monat Global Business Opportunity

Let’s recap the pros of cons of the Monat Global business opportunity.

Here Are The Pros:

  • cruelty-free hair care products with no nasty chemicals
  • relatively high commission payments on retail sales
  • a young company which could mean a good chance of reaching higher ranks in the career levels

What Are The Cons?

  • only a limited range of mainly hair care products
  • products are highly overpriced
  • VIP program for customers is not attractive with a requirement of high minimum orders
  • it is not clear how the marketing partner has to sell the products
  • no details on what kind of training Monat Global provides for their sales representatives
  • lots of complaints regarding the quality of the products, customer service, and billing issues


Based on my research I wouldn’t recommend the Monat Global business opportunity to anyone. Even though the commission rate of up to 40% on retails sales seems to be attractive, the products are very expensive.

Also, quite a few customer reviews report of increasing hair loss issues due to using the Monat Global products. There also problems with the itchiness of the scalp.

On top of that, since the company mainly focusses on hair care products, the sales opportunities are very limited and just appeals to a certain clientele.

There are too many issues with the VIP program for customers. To be honest, who wants to commit to at least three flexship orders with a minimum order of $84 each time.

It seems impossible to cancel the membership which speaks against the integrity of Monat Global.

I personally find direct selling/MLM a tough business where you have to learn to deal with rejection, objections, and lots of party cancellations.

It takes a strong mindset to overcome these obstacles and to build a successful business in the industry.

I didn’t find any indications of what kind of training Monat Global offers to new salespeople (marketing partner). With no quality training, failure is inevitable.

Have you noticed that most MLM companies are targeting women as potential recruits? Women join these companies for so many different reasons.

When I started my direct selling business I was looking for something different than ‘just’ being defined as a mom. The thought of being part of a sisterhood was also appealing to me.

Even though I am a self-confident person, not reaching my goals, and not enough sales and recruiting left me quite frustrated at times and doubting myself.

The truth is ‘the overwhelming majority of MLM participants (most sources estimated to be over 99.25% of all MLM participants) participate at either an insignificant or nil net profit.’ (source Wikipedia)

If you do love the products and feel they are worth the money then, by all means, go for it. But expect to put long hours and consistent work into networking, phone calls, and organizing presentations.

To build a substantial income, you’ll need to put in full-time hours for sure.

Want to build a business that doesn’t require network marketing skills and will earn you passive income for years to come? Please read more about my #1 recommended business model.

I had been a consultant with a direct selling company for over three years so I speak from experience when I say it takes a lot of hard work to be successful with the MLM business model.

The initial enthusiasm rubs off pretty quickly if other people don’t share the same love for the product you are trying to sell.

I’ve learned that selling stuff to people is not my strong point even though I loved the products.

Ringing potential customers, dealing with return and refunds, traveling for hours to do presentations without sometimes getting any sales was tough going.

I know of people who were super successful but they were working consistently for around 40 hours or more a week.

Well, looking back I’d say it was a huge learning curve but not what I was looking for in an ideal business. In reality, the hours weren’t exactly flexible, instead, I had to work in the evening and on weekends.

For the past three years, I have been building my online business that doesn’t involve recruiting or calling people at all. Now I can work whenever and wherever I want to work with only a laptop and an internet connection.

I have to be honest though: my recommended business model is not for everyone. It takes at least 6 to 12 months of consistent work to see the first results aka earning money.

If you are able to invest between 10 and 20 hours of work a week then you will surely succeed.

Once you get the foundation right, you will earn passive income for years to come. All it takes is good training, consistent work, and taking action!

Ready to take the leap and start a legit business that doesn’t involve recruiting or selling? Sign up here for free!

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