Alright, folks. This article is not your usual all round Wealthy Affiliate Review. I had already written one a while ago, and you can read it here.
In this post, I am focussing solely on a complaint I have heard a few times from people in regards to WA.
It goes something like that: ‘I have been with WA for a few months/weeks and haven’t made any sales yet.’ or ‘Only a few people are making money on Wealthy Affiliate.’
Before I get into more details what my answer is, I want to give you a definition of what a scam is.
A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Scams traditionally resided in confidence tricks, where an individual would misrepresent themselves as someone with skill or authority, i.e. a doctor, lawyer, investor.
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So let’s get into more details.
What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
If you have read my review then you already now that Wealthy Affiliate is an online training platform, hosting platform and a community of over 850 000 like minded internet marketers.
They have joined WA with one goal, to build a successful online business.
The process at WA is pretty straightforward; they provide the training, video tutorials, hosting platform, domain buying platform, and many more amazing features.
Everyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate starts as a free member. (more information about the different memberships are here)
No one can ever take money from you because you simply don’t need to provide any credit card details.
Are There Any (False) Promises 
Unlike other products and services in internet marketing, Wealthy Affiliates doesn’t promise you overnight success or makes statements like ‘join us and earn XYZ money in a few days.’
The opposite is the case: Kyle, the co-founder of WA, stretches the importance of consistent work and building a long-term business. The primary focus should be to help the reader/visitor of your website and money should be the second priority.
Most people think and hope success with making money online happens in an instant. The truth is it takes hard work and resilience.
Read more about my notes about Kyle’s live class on How To Be Successful In An Online Business – Learn From The Best – Part 1 and How To Be Successful In An Online Business – Part 2
So there are two options: Hunt for the shiny objects and pay money for something that is not realistic or choose to build a sustainable business and put in the time, patience and work.
Are there any upsells
No, there are no upsells. You either stay as a free member, or you pay $49 a month or $359 a year. This is pretty straightforward. No additional costs are involved.
The opposite is the case. You can create training in within WA and get cash credits for it. How cool is that!
It’s a win/win for everyone. The member who created the training gets rewarded for his efforts, and the community can learn more in regards to building their websites.
How Come Some Members Are Successful, And Other’s Are Not 
When I talk about the success, I am talking about creating revenue. Not everyone is open about their income, but some members occasionally share their success to encourage other members.
How long it takes to make money with your site depends on several factors:
- your chosen niche
- how old your site is
- how often you publish a new post
- the keywords you use
- applying the things you’ve learned during the training courses
- are you helping or selling to your readers
- is your content compelling and engaging
No one can answer the question How long it will take. But with hard work, it will happen!
Here Is Another Example
Before I found Wealthy Affiliate, I had my own direct selling business (I still have it even though my focus is on affiliate marketing) for two years. I bought my starter kit, catalogs, business cards, etc. I love the product and felt very passionate about sharing it with others.
But my enthusiasm quickly faded because it was much harder than I anticipated. I had to get out of my comfort zone, had to ring people, do customer talks, etc. – the whole shebang. The training by the company was awesome, and I made a few lifelong friends.
But success regarding a full-time income didn’t happen. Other team members are doing fantastic, and others like me are struggling.
I have realized that it is not my passion anymore and that is okay.
The opportunity in affiliate marketing is huge, and I love writing and developing my sites.
The point I am trying to make is: Is the direct selling business I signed up with a scam? I paid money but never got anywhere really.
No, it is not! Everyone starts with the same kit, with the same training, with the same opportunity. Some become hugely successful, and some find out that it is not for them.
That Brings Me Back To Wealthy Affiliate
Everyone who joins Wealthy Affiliate has the same opportunity, has access to the same awesome training courses, tools, and resources.
How you use it and what you do with it, depends on each individually. Some will be successful, some will be struggling, and some will find out that it is not for them.
Life is full of choices. You have to know what is best for you.
I made up my mind. I get up every morning, and I am looking forward to writing new posts, researching keywords, keep learning and providing the best information I can to my readers.
Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam? 
That brings me back to my initial question. Is Wealthy Affiliate legit or a scam?
Well, I am sure you know the answer. WA is definitely legit!
- You start as a free member with no credit card details required
- You can remain a free member forever
- No upsells – monthly membership is always the same
- No false promises
- Everyone (as Premium member) has unlimited access to all training courses, video classes, keyword research tool and other features
- fantastic Community support
- Website Hosting is included in the membership.
- Affiliate program available for free and premium members
I do hope you have found my post helpful. If you’d like to read my in-depth review about Wealthy Affiliate, please click here.
Do you have any experience with Wealthy Affiliate or other internet services? Please share in the comments below.
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