Should You Start A Direct Selling Business With Chalk Couture?

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Chalk Couture is a direct selling company that offers customers to create their own designs using transfer mesh screens, chalk paste, and ink.

 It is like creating DIY designs but is more convenient and easier to complete. Mainly, Chalk Couture’s products fall in the category of home decor and a bit of fashion.

 If you love creating and personalizing your home decors, then Chalk Couture is something that could interest you. In this article, I give you my honest review of Chalk Couture.

Should you start a direct selling business with this company? What business opportunity does it bring to the table?

 These are just a few of the questions that we will be answering at the end of this post and I hope I can be of help in making you get to know more about this company especially about its business offering.

Read on to find out more.

Should You Start A Direct Selling Business With Chalk Couture?

The Chalk Couture Company

chalk couture logo

Chalk Couture  is a DIY home decor company specializing in chalk transfer and chalkalogy, methods of decorating by means of design transfer using some paste or ink.

According to the corporate website, the company was created by two moms. After further research, it seems that the company was founded by Tara Roark while she was in design school.

 Currently, the company is headed by Kristine Widtfeldt. On her Linkedin profile, Kristine had been doing executive marketing functions with other companies prior to joining Chalk Couture in 2017. 

The company is based in Utah U.S.A. and was incorporated in 2016 according to the company’s Better Business Bureau (BBB) profile. It is BBB accredited with A+ rating in just 4 years of business operation.

However, also from BBB website, the company received some customer complaints on issues relating to problems with the product or service. 

For the company’s charity works, it is in partnership with Watts of Love in supporting Malawi which is said to be the 6th poorest nation in the world.

 The company operates in the U.S.A. and Canada markets.


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The  Chalk Couture Products

chalk couture product kits

Chalk Couture products are mainly classified into chalk transfer designs, chalkology paste & chalkology ink, boards, and accessories.

Chalk Transfer Designs - price starts at $9.99

These are reusable mesh textile screens with different designs. The words and statements designed on the transfers have different themes from family & togetherness to monogram.

Paste (price starts at $12.99) and Inks ($13.99)

These are washable chalk paste and permanent chalk ink that you can use to transfer the design to your chosen surface.


These are boards and textiles where you can transfer the designs to complete your decor or item.

There are also kits containing complete components for you to design your item and tools to help you with your design. 

How To Join Chalk Couture

To join Chalk Couture, you need to enroll with your designer and order a starter kit worth $99.

 This kit contains items that you can use to create your design as well as free use of replicated e-commerce website for one month. The retail value of the products inside this starter kit is $250.

To remain an active designer in Chalk Couture you need to have at least 100PV every quarter.

 Also, you need to pay $19.99 for the monthly subscription on your e-commerce website, training, and marketing collateral.

The  Chalk Couture Compensation Plan

As a designer in Chalk Couture, you have different ways to earn an income.

Retail Commission

When you purchase products at a designer’s price from the company and sell them at retail price directly to your customers, you can earn as much as 40% in commissions after you collect the payments.

When you sell the products through your e-commerce Chalk website, you earn 25% in commissions.

Designer Dollars

This rewards you with 20 Designer Dollar credits for every 200PV you generate per month.

Savvy Seller Bonus

This rewards designer who achieves 2000 PV or more in a month. This bonus starts at 10% on your monthly PV and can go up to 20% as you increase your PV. 

Team Commissions

chalk couture compensation plan phase 1

Chalk Couture’s compensation plan is divided into 2 phases.

Phase 1 is for members qualifying in rank with PV requirements up to 400 and up to 5 personally sponsored members and Phase 2 is for higher ranks with higher requirements.

chalk couture compensation plan phase 2

 Phase 1 rewards sponsoring and coaching bonuses while Phase 2 similarly rewards the same including title promotion.

For detailed information on Chalk Couture’s compensation plan, you can check out this link here.

How Much Can You Earn With Chalk Couture ?

Chalk Couture has no income disclosure statement. On the company’s policies and procedures that can be found here, claims on income are prohibited and violation of this can lead to immediate termination.

Looking at Chalk Couture’s compensation plan, I can see that it focuses on rewarding retail and personal sales which is a good thing. However, it also rewards team commissions on multiple levels.

 So, to earn you need to sell the products and recruit people to join your team. 

Since the company has no income disclosure statement, we cannot really tell how the designers are faring in terms of their income earnings from the business opportunity.

 If we have to base it across industry standards in the MLM industry, we know for a fact that most income disclosure statements from MLM companies tell a harsh truth that only the very few are actually earning full-time from the business opportunity.

 Most fail from which we see median income or 50% of the members’ income falling to zero and the remaining 40% are hardly earning enough. About 9% earn some extra income but only about 1% really succeed in achieving full-time to a lucrative income.

 In the case of Chalk Couture, there is no income disclosure statement so there’s really no basis to believe that designers are earning better from the company’s business opportunity in comparison to what we see across the MLM industry.

Let's have a quick look at the Pros and Cons of Chalk Couture .

The Pros Of Chalk Couture

  •  The company is a legal company from the United States and is enjoying an A+ rating in Better Business Bureau in just 4 years of operation.
  •  Products are intended for creators and DIY enthusiasts. These products are well presented with various designs to choose from.
  • The starter kits are affordable.

The Cons Of Chalk Couture

  • There is a monthly subscription fee of $19.95.
  • To make a reasonable income it is essential to recruit especially for earning a passive income. 
  • There is no income disclosure statement.


Chalk Couture is a legit company from the United States offering creative ways for you to create your own designs using the technology they call chalk transfer and chalkalogy.

 The products are designed for creators and DIY makers who love to decorate and create their own items. The company offers shopping for a cause and it currently enjoys an A+ rating in Better Business Bureau in just 4 years of operations.

 Also, it allows people to start a business at a minimal cost while doing what they love to do, creating designs.

However, Chalk Couture is a relatively new company and there is a monthly subscription fee in joining its business. Designed as an MLM opportunity, for designers to earn you need to sell the products and recruit members to join.

 On top of these, there is no income disclosure statement so we don’t have valid proof to say if such a business can help you make a profit. I keep on repeating in my previous MLM reviews that achieving success as an MLM representative is not easy.

 Making sales and expanding your network requires commitment, the right skills, and determination.

 Also, the glaring figures from most income disclosure statements of MLM companies just reinforced the fact that your journey to success even just in terms of getting a decent income has a very slim chance.

 Nevertheless, you can always give it try, especially when your passion lays within the DIY and home decor niche.

Here is what I would recommend to earn a passive income, without selling or recruiting, using your skills and interests you feel passionate about.

Here Is What I Recommend To Make Money

I am not a fan of MLM, not because it is not legit, but through my own experience of being a sales representative (the school of hard knocks).

I was restricted in the products I  could sell, I had to recruit to climb the ranks, and I had to invest quite a bit of money. No, thank you!

Instead, my recommended business model is Affiliate Marketing.

These are the simple reasons, why:

  • Promote any product you want
  • You don't have to recruit anyone (no more annoying friends and family)
  • Make passive income from anywhere in the world 24/7
  • Use your passion and interests and turn it into a business
  • It is free to get started.

Of course it requires learning new skills but the end result can be so  rewarding.

To learn everything about this business model, I recommend to sign up for a free account with Wealthy Affiliate. Simply click on the banner.

It is time to start a real business!

~ Anke

anke profile picture

Please note, this post  contains affiliate links.

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