Juice Plus Review – Should You Stay Away?

Juice Plus+ Review – Should You Stay Away?

Welcome to my Juice Plus review!

Are you thinking of joining Juice Plus, a multi-level marketing company that has been around for quite some time now?

I bet, someone has approached you to become part of this company and you are sitting on the fence whether or not to become a Juice Plus distributor.

Read my detailed Juice Plus review first to make sure it is the right business for you and you’re not wasting your time or hard earned money.

There are countless opportunities out there to get involved in direct selling and multi-level-marketing that promises you the freedom to choose your own (working) hours, and, more importantly, the opportunity to earn big bucks in a short amount of time.

Well, Juice Plus is no exception, even though on the company’s website they are only talking about that you can make a side income with selling their dietary supplements.

And, to be upfront, there is no data available on how much the average distributor earns a year.

My Juice Plus review will show in detail what it takes to get involved with this company and if it this business model is a good fit for you.

The company has established itself in the Evergreen Health and Weight Loss Niche which is always popular but also highly competitive.

After all, who doesn’t want to stay healthy and let’s be honest, nearly everyone tries to lose a few pounds now and again.

Juice Plus tagline is ‘Whole Food Based Nutrition’ and if it sounds intriguing to you, please read on.

Looking for a business opportunity that doesn’t involve recruiting or selling? Read my # 1 recommendation here.

 A Few Things About Juice Plus History

It all started in 197o when Jay Martin founded the NSA (National Safety Associates) with the original product line of home fire protection, and later on water filtration systems.

The real success story started when the NSA launched their new venture into the health and fitness niche in 1993 with their dietary supplement product called Juice Plus.

By the way, Jay Martin is still the CEO today.

Juice Plus is operating in over 20 countries and has added a few more nutritional products like shakes, bars, and gummies to the range. These products are called Juice Plus Complete

The Products – An Overview

juice plus product

The main products are the capsules which come in four different blends:

  1. Fruit Blend
  2. Vegetable Blend
  3. Berry Blend
  4. Omega Blend

These supplements were designed to ” to bridge the gap between what you actually eat every day and what you should be eating.” [Juice Plus website]

Later on, the company added Juice Plus Complete – shakes, soups, and bars – to manage weight and lose weight.

There is a lot of controversy around these dietary supplements and I don’t want to get into too much detail. I have never taken any of Juice Plus products.

Here is the thing: Juice Plus claims that taking these capsules can provide serious health benefits.

Lots of critical Juice Plus reviews say that the products are overpriced.  You also need to pay for at least four months which can get very costly.

There is no real evidence that these supplements are working better than cheaper alternatives you can get on Amazon or Costcos for instance.

Wikipedia says that “The product has been criticized on the basis that: its marketing is unsupported by research data, it contains too little fruit and vegetable powder to offer significant clinical benefits,[31] its effects can be attributed to the inclusion of added exogenous vitamins and micronutrients, and it is excessively priced relative to its potential benefits.”

Prices start at $28.25/month for the Berry Blend and the shakes cost $30.75/month.

How To Join Juice Plus – The Business Opportunity

The process of joining the company is pretty straightforward. You have to fill in an application form and pay $50.

It doesn’t say anywhere that you have to purchase the products but you should probably try them yourself before selling them.

There are 7 levels one can achieve with the Juice plus company:

  1. You are starting as a Distributor.
  2. Direct Distributor
  3. Virtual Franchisee
  4. Sales Coordinator
  5. Senior Sales Coordinator
  6. Qualifying National Marketing Director
  7. National  Marketing Director.

The Compensation Plan

Juice Plus compensation plan

The commission level starts at 6% (Direct Distributor), 14% once you reach Virtual Franchisee, and 22% as Sales Coordinator and above.

Please note that you don’t earn a commission on the first level -Distributor; you only get the retail sales profit.

All up, there are three ways to earn money.

  1. Retail Sales Profit; depending on the product between $13 – $55
  2. Commissions; except for Distributors (the first level)
  3. Performance Bonuses

plus, only for the highest level National Marketing Director, a corporate benefits package.

For more details, please watch the video below. I do not endorse the video, it just makes it easier to understand the compensation plan.

As usual, the bonus gets paid when you reach certain goals in a set time frame. That creates a lot of pressure for distributors to recruit other people into the business.

Let’s break this down all little bit more:

To earn a commission of 6%, you need to get to the second level which is called the Direct Distributor.

In order to get a sales commission, you’ll need to have 90 PVC in the qualifying month. PVC stands for Purchase Volume Credit.

Each Juice Plus product has points allocated to them and these points are the PVC, e.g. the Berry Blend capsules with a retail price of $28.50 get 63 points which equal 63 PVC.

From what I can see, the ones who are earning bucks are the top levels starting with the Senior Sales Director.

Just recently, I had reviewed the Healthstyle Emporium who cleverly market Juice Plus to an audience of hip and trendy women by using the power of social media and the internet. Read my review here.

You need to think outside the box to attract lots of new customers. And more importantly, how you can convert them into Sales Reps.

What support do you get?

To start off with, you’ll get a personalized website, a Team FB page, there is an iPad page, a virtual office, and some glossy brochures.

You do not need to handle the order processing, shipping, and billing. This is done by the Juice Plus company.

Juice Plus also organizes live events twice a year for their distributors to keep them motivated.

It’s not clear, how much training you’ll get.

If you are new to multi-level marketing and don’t know how to sell than proper training is a must.

Otherwise, your business venture is doomed from the start and will only be frustrating.

Check out my recommended #1 business model with absolutely no recruiting or selling required. Read more here.

Can You Make Money With Juice Plus?

Only a few will make it to the top where the big money is.

The health niche is highly competitive and due to the polarising Juice Plus reviews, regarding the health benefits of these supplements and the high price tag, it may be a tough call.

Related post: The Melaleuca Business Opportunity

Customers nowadays make, hopefully, informed decisions and you will have to deal with lots of questions around the product.

Why should one pay such a high price for something that may be cheaper to get on Amazon?

How realistic is it to get lots and lots of people to buy and to join the business?

So, I’d say you could make a bit of pocket money but I doubt that you can turn it into a full-time business.

Pros And Cons Of The Juice Plus Business Opportunity

Here are the Pros:

  • The company has been around for a long time with Juice Plus being launched in 1993 (25 years ago)
  • You don’t need to deal with processing the orders, billing, and shipping
  • Low start-up costs of only $50
  • Different ways of earning money: retail sales, commission, and bonus payments

Here are the Cons:

  • The health niche is highly competitive so it will be hard to get new customers and Sales reps.
  • Lots of negative Juice Plus reviews regarding the promised health benefits of their products
  • A customer has to purchase a four months supply without even knowing the product (new customers)
  • The design and logo is very old-fashioned  and not attractive
  • To earn good money, you’ll need to recruit lots of people who have to recruit as well.


Selling Juice plus products might be a lucrative business opportunity for people who are highly motivated, love to network, and don’t mind getting friends and family involved to launch their business and buy the product.

The start-up costs are only $50, so you keep your risk of spending too much money to a minimum.

You may have to organize parties to introduce the product to potential new customers but be aware, the competition in the health and wellness niche is vast.

On top of that,  a customer has to purchase the product for at least four months. Most people want to try first before they buy.

Another point to consider is that Juice Plus products are controversial regarding the promised health benefits. The internet is full of polarising reviews from customers who either absolutely love the products or people saying they are a scam.

Direct selling/MLM is a tough business where you have to learn to deal with rejection, objections, and lots of party cancellations.

You may recruit people, spend lots of time training them only to find that most of them will finish after a short period of time.

It takes a strong mindset to overcome these obstacles and to build a successful business in the MLM industry.

I know of lots of people who jump from one MLM company to the other, always looking for the next best thing.

They get lured into it with false promises like ‘the product sells itself’ which is not true due to way higher prices than for similar products in the store.

If you do love the products and feel they are worth the money then, by all means, go for it. But expect to put long hours and consistent work into networking, phone calls, and organizing presentations.

To build a substantial income, you’ll need to put in full-time hours for sure.

Want to build a business that doesn’t require network marketing skills and will earn you passive income for years to come? Please read more about my #1 recommended business model.

I had been a consultant with a direct selling company for over three years so I speak from experience when I say it takes a lot of hard work to be successful with the MLM business model.

The initial enthusiasm rubs off pretty quickly if other people don’t share the same love for the product you are trying to sell.

I’ve learned that selling stuff to people is not my strong point even though I loved the products.

Ringing potential customers, dealing with return and refunds, traveling for hours to do presentations without sometimes getting any sales was tough going.

I know of people who were super successful but they were working consistently for around 40 hours or more a week.

Well, looking back I’d say it was a huge learning curve but not what I was looking for in an ideal business. In reality, the hours weren’t exactly flexible, instead, I had to work in the evening and on weekends.

For the past three years, I have been building my online business that doesn’t involve recruiting or calling people at all. Now I can work whenever and wherever I want to work with only a laptop and an internet connection.

I have to be honest though because quite frankly my recommended business model is not for everyone. It takes at least 6 to 12 months of consistent work to see the first results aka earning money.

If you are able to invest between 10 and 20 hours of work a week then you will surely succeed.

Once you get the foundation right, you will earn passive income for years to come. All it takes is good training, consistent work, and taking action!

Ready to take the leap? Sign up here for free!


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