Pet care and nutrition products and multi-level marketing company is surely a unique combination. This is what Nevetica's unique offering in the market today.
Having a pet in the family is such a common thing. In fact, most of us love our pets. So, there is no question about the growing demand for pet items in the world today. Just like us, our pets share our needs. Our pets need food, nutrition and care. So, for the love of pets, Nevetica was founded.
Nevetica is a multi-level marketing company born from the story of Rocky, a beloved pet who lived a healthier lifestyle after trying the right vitamins and nutrients and receiving the needed care a pet should get from his parent.
Indeed, Nevetica has a nice story to tell and has the right visions for the future of pet industry. But, is this company for you? For the love of your pets, do you think joining Nevetica is the way to go?
This is the question we have in mind and the reason that we give you this honest review of Nevetica.
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Nevetica Reviews -For The Love Of Pets
More About The Nevetica Company

Nevetica is a multi-level marketing company in the niche of animal health and nutrition.
It was founded in 2016 by Dr. Lance London who is also the current CEO of the company. Nevetica's founding story tells a story of Dr. London's pet, Rocky.
When Rocky faced a health situation, this was when Dr. London conducted a research focused on improving pet's health and quality of life. Hence, the birth of Nevetica.
Dr. London is also the founder and owner of Carolina Kitchen, a chain of restaurant. He has a proven experience in building his own enterprise prior to founding Nevetica but he is not a veterinarian.
The company is headquartered in Maryland, USA. As of this writing, it is not yet listed with Better Business Bureau (BBB).
It says on Nevetica's website that the company has pending application for membership with Direct Selling Association (DSA) and they currently abide by DSA's code of ethics.
For better understanding, the DSA is a national trade association for direct selling companies.
Also, as of this writing, Nevetica is listed in the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) website however it has not earned the NASC Quality Seal yet because its facilities have not undergone a rigorous independent audit yet.
The good news is that NASC acknowledges the dedication of the company in acting with a goal to protect the integrity of animal health product industry.
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The Nevetica Products

The products are classified into supplements and pet care.
On Nevetica's website, the products are classified in four categories.
The products listed here are supplements that give support to the improvement of nervous system, digestive system, skin, coat, hip and joint health. Also, there is a multivitamin that supports your pet's brain, heart, kidney, eye and liver functions. The prices of these supplements range from US$34.99 to US$45.99.
Oral Care
The products under oral care include mouthwash and dental chews for your pet. The products are sold at US$24.99 to US$27.99
Home Goods
Under this category is an absorbent product used to clean surfaces where your pet leaves liquid mess. This cost US$24.99.
Hygiene Products
Nevetica's hygiene products include paw protector, anti-itch pet spray and waterless shampoo. The prices range from US$22.99 to US$29.99.
How To Join Nevetica

The cost of starter packages are not readily available in Nevetica's website but with much digging we learned about the following prices that are applicable when joining Nevetica:
Basic Nevetica Enrollment - US$35
This comes with access to the Nevetica App, back office and personal replicated website.
Nevetica Tech Pack - Free for the first 30 days and US$24.99 per month
Nevetica Product Pack - US$475
This consists of all products in the Nevetica Shopping portal.
Nevetica Business Builder Kit - US$199
This kit consists of training manual, banners, magazines and sales materials.
The Nevetica Compensation Plan

There are 14 ranks to advance in Nevetica. Each rank opens new ways to earn.
· Nevetica Pet Consultant
· Sr. Pet Consultant
· Area Pet Consultant
· Regional Pet Consultant
· Director
· Area Director
· Regional Director
· National Director
· Vice President
· President
· International President
· Diamond
· Blue Diamond
· Black Diamond
There are 9 ways to earn with Nevetica's compensation plan.
1. Personal Sales Bonuses - Distributors earn up to 35% cash bonus weekly of Nevetica products that they sell.
2. 1st Order Bonus – Every time a distributor refers a new customer, he/she earns 15% bonus from the new customer's first order. As a distributor progresses in rank, he/she can earn from several levels down.
3. The Unilevel Bonus - Distributors earn 10% bonus of their organization's sale up to level 6.
4. The Turbo Infinity Bonus - When you reach the rank of President and progress upwards, you will get a percent bonus of your downline sale's up to infinite levels.
5. Income Match Bonus - Distributors can earn up to 25% commission on part of his/her downline's income within the first 6 generations of the group. For International President rank and higher, an additional of up to 8% commission of that same income can be earned as well. The percentage bonus and generation level that you can benefit from will depend on the rank level that you have reached.
6. The Leadership Advancement Bonus - This is the one-time bonus that Distributors get each time they achieve a rank. These bonuses are as follows:
· National Director - US$1000
· Vice President - US$2000
· President - US$4000
· International President - US$7500
· Diamond - US$15000
· Blue Diamond - US$40000
· Black Diamond - US$100000
7-8. Nevetica also offers sponsored incentive trips and executive leadership council trips that consist of all expenses paid trips to executive leadership council meetings.
9. There is a global pool bonus distributed among the top leaders of the company. This consists of 1% bonus based on all qualified monthly sales of the company.
The company has some upcoming bonus scheme as well that are still remain to be seen.
These are just general descriptions of how a Distributor earn from Nevetica. Much details are still needed here for better understanding of Nevetica’s compensation plan.
However, there is not much information available in the company’s website hence we can only do so much.
Can You Really Make Money By Selling Pet Care Products?
Nevetica has no income disclosure statement yet as of this writing. So, we cannot exactly tell how distributors fare in Nevetica in terms of income earnings.
Just like in most multi-level marketing company, Nevetica distributors need to sell more products and recruit more people to earn a decent income from the company.
This can be achieved if you got the customer base and if the products are worth the price.
Nevetica's marketing videos state that about 70% of American household owns a pet. However, there are varying statistics about this count.
Some surveys found only 49% of American households have a pet.
Regardless of these discrepancies, it still can be said that there's really a promising market for pet products in the USA.
So, finding customers for pet products would be easy in this case.
But, the next question is whether or not Nevetica products are worth the price.
Although, Nevetica has pending registration with NASC, its products are not yet approved to carry a NASC quality seal.
Also, looking at Nevetica's product prices, they are really more expensive than the other similar pet products available in other marketplace like in Amazon.
So, it seems that Nevetica's products are really not that outstanding in any aspect.
Also, Nevetica is missing a lot of other kinds of saleable pet products in its line so I think in a way this can limit your sales as a Distributor.
Joining the company costs a lot of money as well and there's is no guarantee how much money you will earn. It all depends on the volume of your sales as well as on your recruitment capabilities in the end.
So, with high entry cost, just average-quality and costly products, earning a decent income with Nevetica will surely not be close to just a walk in the park venture.

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The Pros Of Nevetica At A Glance
Pet nutrition and care products have an established market so there is really a demand for these products.
Retail sales bonus for distributors is quite high at 35%. So, you can surely be rewarded on your sales.
I must say that the App that comes with the purchase is brilliant, useful and on the trend.
From this App, you can avail of pet walking services, track your pet calories, meals and the likes, shop for products and connect to other pet industry contacts.

The Cons Of Nevetica
Nevetica's CEO, Dr. London is not a veterinarian although he has a proven experience in building and growing his restaurant business.
The company is new and is not listed yet with BBB website. Applicable accreditations are still pending with DSA and NASC as well.
Despite the fact that pet items have established consumers, Nevetica's products are not really that outstanding.
They don't have the quality seal yet from qualified independent testing agencies like the NASC. Also, the product prices are relatively high.
One can find similar and cheaper products from other marketplaces like Amazon.
There are several known brands carrying pet items that are proven safe for pets. These brands have established and proven their product quality.
So, they can become major competitors and can actually make selling more difficult.
Just like in most MLM companies, to succeed in Nevetica, you have to recruit more people in your organization and develop your sales skills to sell relatively pricey products that are not really independently tested by authorities in this type of products.
If you are not a veterinarian, how would you expect the people to believe your words about pet supplement then?
Only distributors on top of the tier are earning a decent amount in most MLM companies and the numbers usually point to less than 5% success rate or in some instances even lower. So, there is no guarantee on your investment.
The cost of joining Nevetica is quite high and there is no guarantee of income.
The company is not being very clear about the compensation plan let alone released an income disclosure statement.
Wrapping It Up - Nevetica Reviews - For The Love Of Pets
For the love of pets, is this opportunity for you? This will surely depend on you.
However, my take is no. If we love someone like our pets, we want to give the best to them.
In the case of Nevetica, I think that they do not have the best pet products to offer.
Nevetica's products are not independently tested to even carry a quality seal. The products are way too pricey.
The range of products is also limited to just few supplements, vitamins, dental chews, mouthwash, some pet mess absorbent, one type of paw protector, anti itch spray and shampoo.
Nevetica does offer an App that will give you the convenience in meeting your pet needs however we cannot exactly tell you whether or not the App works as advertised.
As of this writing, the App does not really have several downloads and following in the App stores. So, this remains to be seen.
As a business opportunity, I think Nevetica just like most MLM companies is all about promises and lacks the transparency.
There is no guarantee of income in joining Nevetica. In fact, the cost of entry is quite high. Although, they have a high retail sales bonus, your chance of earning a decent income will still depend on your success in bringing several people to your team.
This is surely not easy and when we look at MLMs success rate, the risk is way too high in investing with Nevetica.
Hence, we recommend avoiding it not only for the love of pets but to save your time and effort as well.
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