My Niche Case Study – Third Update

Welcome to another update on my first niche case study which I started at the beginning of June 2017.

To catch up on what happened in the last six months, including how I did my research and other relevant topics, please read the following posts:

How To Research A New [Profitable] Niche

How To Write A Buyers Guide (For A Niche) That Converts

My Niche Case Study – The First Update

My First Niche Case Study ( Second Update)

My third niche site study update includes traffic states, Amazon sale stats and my goal setting for the next few months from January until  End of March 2018.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

My Niche Sites Progress

My niche site is now around seven months old and has 22 posts and a few pages.  On average, I was posting one post a week which included informational posts, a Christmas gift guide, and more in-depth product reviews.

As predicted, I got my first Amazon sale in September, a whopping $1.62 in commission. Even though it’s not a massive amount of money, it was a breakthrough.

My traffic started to increase from Mid September 2017 and gradually from just a couple of visitors a day to now averaging between 35 to 50 plus visitors a day.

Here is a screenshot from my Google Analytics account from September 2017 until December 2017.


niche site traffic

Traffic started to pick up in October 2017, so my site only stayed in the ‘Google sandbox’ for around five months.

The number of visitors nearly doubled in December compared to the previous month November and clocked in at 1178 users; 817 organic traffic (Google), 264 Pinterest users and 70 direct.

As you can see in the screenshot, there is a traffic spike in November which was caused by a Pin that went kind of viral and sends me now regular visitors from Pinterest users.

It proves the importance of being active on Pinterest as an excellent source of traffic. Unfortunately, these visitors weren’t really in ‘buying mode’.

Want to build your own niche site and make money online? Join me now at Wealthy Affiliate, and I am happy to be your mentor.

One of my posts is currently in position one on Google which I am very proud of and is the number one referral for my traffic.

My targeted keyword hasn’t got a huge amount of search traffic, but it is increasing more and more.

Check out my top ten recommended tools and resources to build a successful online business.

My main buying guide is sitting in position eight in Google, so I hope it will move up the ranks in the next weeks.

My Amazon Sales

So the question is how did the traffic convert into sales? I benefited from the Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas Holiday season.

As mentioned before, my first sale in September earned me $1.62 in commission.

In October 2017, my site had six sales (with a low conversion rate of 3.66%) and a commission of $12.92.

Here are the numbers for November 2017:

Amazon sales November 2017

The conversion is much better with a 13.76% conversion rate and earnings of $102.71.

December 2017

Amazon sales December 2017

That means my site has earned me $252.40 in the last three months which  I am pleased about.

My Goals For The Next Few Months

My goals for the coming months is obviously to increase my Amazon sales. By the end of June 2018, I want to earn around $500/month with this site. My site would be 12 months old by then.

To achieve this goal, the number of visitors need to increase to at least five times to what it is now.

I will be sticking to my posting schedule of one post a week for at least the next three months.

Important Lessons I Have Learned

If you are in the process of building a niche site, there are a few things that are important to keep in mind.

First up – Never give up; even though you might like to see results straight away. It won’t be happening. Patience and resilience is the key.

Stick to a posting schedule and write your product reviews as thorough as possible. Try not to be perfect. You can always go back and improve your post later.

Bonus Tip: An important resource for creating new blog content is Amazon’s question and answer part they have for each product.

I always read them so I know what the customer wants to know about a product and can include it in my product review as an extra part or even as a separate post.

My number 1 post on Google came from these Q&A sections. One question about the product range I was reviewing came up over and over again. When I searched on Google there was no article that properly addressed this problem so I decided to write a comprehensive guide to answer the question and offer a solution to the problem.

Thanks to this specific post, I have earned over $250 so far.

Amazon Q&A

In the screenshot, you can see that for this particular slow cooker people have asked and answered 565 questions! The same applies to thousands of products in any given niche.

So take the time, read them, find out what problems customers are having and write a post that will give them the answers.

Wrapping It Up

If you are on your journey of building a niche site and earning money online, I hope that my niche site updates help you to become successful in the process.

If you would like to start your own niche site, please join me at Wealthy Affiliate, my #1 recommended online training platform. I would be more than happy to be your mentor on your journey to success.

Click here, to join Wealthy Affiliate for free (no credit card details needed)

Do you have any questions or comments? Please let me know in the comments below.

To Your Success!

~ Anke

Please note: This post contains affiliate links. Read more here.

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