Health and wellness seem to be the largest product category covered by most multi-level marketing companies in the world.
Then enter Vivri vying for a market share in this particular sector of MLM industry. If you are curious about what makes this company standout amongst the other competing brands, then you have come to the right article as I feature here a detailed and honest review of Vivri.
Does Vivri offer something new on its product line? Is it a business worth venturing into?
These are just some of the questions that we seek to answer in this post so let’s get started.
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What Is Vivri - Get All The Details Now
About Vivri

Vivri is a health and wellness company based in Texas, USA.
It was founded by Daniel Chavez Saul, a Stanford University and Harvard University graduate who worked at McKinsey & Company and Goldman Sachs as an investment banker and strategy consultant respectively.
According to the company’s LinkedIn profile, the company was founded in 2014. It is listed in Better Business Bureau with an B- rating.
The company received a warning letter from Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding some of its product claims related to COVID-19. Now, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disclaimer about the products is stated in Vivri’s corporate website, perhaps to address this warning letter.
The company is also currently active in other countries including Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Puerto Rico.
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Vivri Products

Vivri’s Products are divided into Shake Me, Power Me, Cleanse Me, Omega Me, Soups, and Sens.
Shake Me!
Shake Me! products from Vivri are meal replacement powdered formulation that also promotes weight management, muscle mass maintenance, appetite control and more. It is available in Clear, Chocolate Delight, Vanilla, and strawberry flavors. The price per 1.12kg pack is USD83.49.
Power Me!
Power Me! products are powdered formulation that promotes fat burning, natural energy and protection against oxidative stress. It is available in Cafe Latte, Fruit Punch and Orange Mango. It costs $21.99 per 10-serving pack and $40.99 per 30-serving pack.
Cleanse Me!
Cleanse Me! is also a powdered formulation that promotes intestine and digestive balance and a healthy metabolism. It is available in Jamaica Hibiscus, Pineapple-Orange and Lime Lemon Chia. It costs $21.99 per 10-serving pack and $40.99 per 30-serving pack.
Other Products
Omega Me! with 30 gel drops - $30.99
Igmmunition for the immune system boost - $39.99
Vivri Soups 10 servings - $41.99
SENS skincare products are available for pre-order with the price range of $17.99-55.99 for the individual products.
Also, there is the newly-launched line called Vintari for essential oils.
Looking for similar companies? You could also check out Ariix, Forever Green, Nikken, or Amway, just to name a few.
How To Join Vivri

There are 3 ways to be part of Vivri, be a Retail Customer, be a Preferred Customer or be a LIV (Leader in Vivri).
As we will be looking at Vivri’s business opportunity, being a LIV is relevant in this particular discussion.
To be a LIV, you need to contact a LIV sponsor where you will need to complete an application form, sign the Distributor Agreement and undergo some basic training.
It is not clear if there’s a cost when registering as LIV or if the below plans are required. Anyhow, to become a LIV and sell the company’s products, buying any of these packs is necessary.
I saw from these links here the USA starter plans and promotional kits.
USA Starter Plans
Imperial Business Pro - $1599.99 (800 BV)
Imperial ENS - $999.99 (500 BV)
Imperial SENS - $719 (380 BV)
Executive Plus Kit - $399.99 (190 BV)
Executive Kit - $339 (160 BV)
USA Promotional Kits
Imperial Master - $1299.99 (600 BV)
Imperial Grand - $999.99 (455 BV)
Executive Triple - $399.99 (150 BV)
All these kits come with LIV lifetime membership with the condition that you will make at least one purchase every 12 months to remain active.
The Vivri Compensation Plan
There are several ways to earn from Vivri’s opportunity.
Retail Profit
By selling the products to the customers, a LIV can earn as much as 37% retail profit.
Retail Sales Training Bonus (RSTB)
This pays upline up to 5 levels for training new LIV recruits in making retail sales.

Team Bonus
LIVs with team organizations can earn team bonuses based on the below chart.

Power Teams Global Pool
A 2% of Global pool volume is divided into LIVs who able to establish at least 3 power teams.
There are other bonus programs awarded to LIVs who are high in ranks including Diamond Heart Global Pool, Generational Royalties and Lifestyle Global Pool. Also, autoship subscriptions are rewarded with luxury trips.
For a detailed explanation of Vivri’s compensation plan, you can click here.
Can You Make Money With Vivri?
Vivri has no income disclosure statement to show. Whatever the reason of the company for not releasing in public its income disclosure statement, we can only assume.
However, in the years I’ve been reviewing multi-level marketing (MLM) companies, the lack of this crucial income document does not sit well with the notion of transparency.
As we can see, Vivri is no different from most MLM companies that we have already reviewed. But, looking at the starter and promotional plans for new LIVs, I can see that Vivri has a relatively expensive starter cost for its LIVs.
Vivri’s compensation plan is designed to reward LIVs with recruits. It also pays residual income at several levels in a LIVs organizational tree as the LIVs progress in rank.
This kind of setup is typical of MLM companies that always end up in a scenario where people on top of the organization become predatory on the income of the members at the lower levels.
This type of compensation plan oftentimes results in an income distribution where only 1% or less of all the members are earning decently with a full-time income.
Without an income disclosure statement to show, Vivri has no way to negate these assumptions that are very typical of MLM companies of similar types.
Let's have a quick look at the Pros and Cons of Vivri .

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The Pros Of Vivri
The Cons Of The Vivri Opportunity
Conclusion - What Is Vivri
Vivri is no doubt a legitimate company operating in some areas in North and South America. It is founded by a leader with a solid educational and entrepreneurial background.
The company offers products that are relevant and in demand in the health and wellness sector. The products are retail viable.
However, I did not see anything that could set Vivri’s products apart dominantly from similar products of competing companies.
This may pose some problems when selling the products and reaching sales goals for the company’s LIVs.
Vivri pays retail commission as expected from a legitimate MLM company, however, its compensation plan is focused on rewarding recruitment and incentivizing LIVs with higher ranks.
Also, Vivri’s starter plans are relatively expensive. To make matters worse in this respect, Vivri is not releasing its income disclosure statement.
As outlined earlier, Vivri has also been a subject of a warning letter from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and with its 6 years in the business, a B- rating in Better Business Bureau may come as a disappointment.
Vivri’s presentation of its products and its business opportunity is overall good on the surface however when you start looking deeper, I see an MLM company that is no different from most with underlying issues on member rewards being in most cases predatory to new entrants and are only beneficial to the very few members on top.
Here Is What I Recommend To Make Money
I am not a fan of MLM, not because it is not legit, but through my own experience of being a sales representative (the school of hard knocks).
I was restricted in the products I could sell, I had to recruit to climb the ranks, and I had to invest quite a bit of money. No, thank you!
Instead, my recommended business model is Affiliate Marketing.
These are the simple reasons, why:
- Promote any product you want
- You don't have to recruit anyone (no more annoying friends and family)
- Make passive income from anywhere in the world 24/7
- It is free to get started.
I was able to build an online business with affiliate marketing that is now making a 4-figure monthly income stream.
Thanks to my own hard work and without selling anything or recruiting anyone, I can now lead the lifestyle I want.
Click here to find out how I did it.
Start Building A Real Business!
~ Anke

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