Jeunesse Global – Just A Scam Or Your Step To Success

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There are countless opportunities out there to get involved in direct selling and multi-level-marketing that promises you the freedom to choose your own (working) hours and the opportunity to earn big bucks.

Welcome to my Jeunesse Global review where I will showcase in much detail as possible what it takes to get involved with this company and if it is the right business for you.

After all, who doesn’t want to look and stay young and youthful? That is exactly what Jeunesse Global promises with their Youth Enhancement System and their wide range of anti-aging skin care products and health supplements.

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No wonder their captivating tagline is ‘Jeunesse – Generation Young’, targeting a huge audience and a billion dollar market.

At the end of this post, I will also show you an alternative business opportunity for people who have had enough of MLM companies, their complicated compensation plans, and endless recruiting requirements.

Looking for a business opportunity that doesn’t involve recruiting or selling? Read my # 1 recommendation here.

Jeunesse Global – Just A Scam Or Your Step To Success

What Jeunesse Global Is All About

Jeunesse Global Logo

Jeunesse Global was launched in 2009 by Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis and has its global headquarters in Heathrow, Florida.

Despite the fact that Jeunesse has only been operating for around nine years, its worldwide growth is quite exceptional with distribution channels to over 100 countries.

Their main focus is on promoting healthy living with a range of supplements, weight loss products, and anti-aging skin care. According to the company, all products are made in the USA exclusively for Jeunesse Global.

It seems there is a huge hype around the company, especially their skin care products with many positive and but also negative product reviews by customers.

Let’s have a closer look at the different products.

Jeunesse Global Products

jeunesse global products

Jeunesse Global offers an extensive product range in four main categories: Skincare, Nutrition, Weightloss, Energy packages.

They have invented a clever marketing system that brings all their products together as a complete system called Y.E.S – the Youth Enhancement System.

It showcases nine vital ways to keep you young.

  1. Rejuvenate: product range: Luminesce – anti-aging skincare
  2. Defend: Reserve: a blend of superfruits
  3. Restore: Finiti – dietary supplements
  4. Enhance: AM/PM – vitamin supplements
  5. Balance: ZEN body – weight management products
  6. Energize: Nevo – energy drink
  7. Beautify: NV be the envy – primer, foundation, bronzer
  8. Clarity: MIND – dietary supplement to enhance memory
  9. Diminish: Instantly Ageless – micro cream to reduce visible signs of aging

It all sounds great and who doesn’t want to stay youthful, healthy, and lose weight? but when I looked at the prices I was quite frankly shocked how expensive they are.

I know that products from MLM companies are way more expensive than products you get at shops or online. But $100 for a night cream ($85 for preferred customers) or $140 for 120 capsules of AM/PM supplements!!! That is expensive!

Now, when it comes to the Jeunesse Global business opportunity that is a red flag for me. How likely is it to sell such overpriced products on a regular basis?

How To Join Jeunesse Global – The Business Opportunity

If you want to become a Jeunesse Global distributor, it is mandatory to purchase a starter kit for $49.95. This is the number I have seen on the website. Before it was only $29.95 as seen on promotional videos and the compensation plan dated 2017.

The starter kit includes a free replicate website, a business management app, downloadable support and training tools, product samples as well as a memory stick with more business information.

After watching a video that explains the compensation plan, it was also clear to me that you also need to purchase a product package. The basic package costs $199; with the highest one costing $1099.

Just be aware that it is not clearly stated on the website that you have to invest more money to get started than the mandatory $49.95. I really had to dig deep to find out. See the screenshot below.

jeunesse global business

Here is a screenshot of the available product packages and how much they cost.

jeunesse product packages

If you want to know what is in each product package, it is best to check out YouTube for more information. Again, there is not much information on the companies website.

It takes a lot of effort to find out exactly what you get for your investment aka hard earned money.

The Compensation Plan – Your Stairway To Success?

All up, there are six ways how a distributor can earn money with Jeunesse Global.

  1. Retail Profit – you can earn up to 35% commission on retail sales. You could either buy products for wholesale price and sell it for the retail price or direct potential customers to your replicated website.
    The first option requires to buy inventory which I wouldn’t recommend. You may invest a lot of money and end up with products no one wants to buy.
  2. New Customer Aquisition Bonus – you can earn a commission when customers purchase a product package
  3. Team commission – you are only eligible to team commissions when you achieve the Executive rank.
  4. Leadership matching bonus
  5. Customer Aquisition Incentive
  6. Diamond Bonus Pool (only for Diamond or Double Diamond Director)

To find out what it all means and for more details, here is a video that explains the commission plan in more detail. I do not endorse this video; it is for educational purposes only.

There are a few things to note in this video that doesn’t match up with my research findings. First up, they are talking about fourteen ranks one can achieve. I have only seen 10 ranks in the compensation plan.

There are as follows:

  1. Associate – Entry Level
  2. Distributor
  3. Executive
  4. Jade Executive
  5. Pearl Executive
  6. Sapphire Executive
  7. Ruby Director
  8. Emerald Director
  9. Diamond Director
  10. Double Director

To access the full compensation plan, please click here.

Let’s talk about the preferred customer program. It is important to know that this program is not available in each marketplace, so therefore some distributors might not be able to earn the bonus for it.

Another confusing part of this video is the New Customer Acquisition bonus. In reality, it is not a new customer they are talking about. It is about recruiting new distributors.  So the title ‘new customer acquisition’ is misleading.

Can You Make Money With Jeunesse Global

In an ideal world, you could earn tons of money with Jeunesse Global but the reality looks very different.

How many people do you know would spend hundreds of dollars on skincare and dietary supplements? How many people do you know would buy a product package for at least $199 and more to become a distributor?

A look at Jeunesse Global’s income disclosure speaks volume.

jeunesse income

That means that 1830 distributors out of 9150 didn’t earn any income.

Here are some more numbers.

jeunesse global income 1

These numbers don’t take any business expenses into account. In conclusion, only 2.15% of Jeunesse Global distributors in the USA made a full-time income.

So,  chances are that new distributors will end up in the bottom 60% income bracket. That means, there is not much money that can be earned.

In fact, you probably end up spending and investing lots of money and won’t earn much if anything at all.

Pros And Cons Of The Jeunesse Global Business Opportunity

Here are the Pros:

  • Products are exclusively produced for Jeunesse Global
  • Products are made in the USA
  • A wide range of products from skincare to weight loss management to dietary supplements
  • Clever marketing with the YES system

What are the Cons:

  • The products are very very expensive.
  • Relatively high start-up costs
  • Preferred customer program not attractive with a required monthly auto-ship of  at least two products
  • Lot’s of distributors which makes it hard to recruit new customers and distributors.

Conclusion – Should You Get Involved

The Jeunesse Global business opportunity may be lucrative for people who have experience in the direct selling industry, love to network and don’t mind getting friends and family involved to launch their business.

You may have to organize parties to introduce the product to potential new customers but be aware, the competition in the health and wellness niche is vast.

Looking at the income disclosure, I would not recommend Jeunesse Global as a way to earn an income. I don’t think it is a scam. I do think  though that lots of distributors spend a lot of money to  buy products only to find out that no one wants to buy them due to the expensive price

Direct selling/MLM is a tough business where you have to learn to deal with rejection, objections, and lots of party cancellations.

To make a good income, you also rely heavily on other people, whether it is the customers who may not want to buy anymore and also how distributors performing who have signed up under you.

It takes a strong mindset to overcome these obstacles and to build a successful business in the industry.

If you do love the products and feel they are worth the money then, by all means, go for it. But expect to put long hours and consistent work into networking, phone calls, and organizing presentations.

To build a substantial income, you’ll need to put in full-time hours for sure.

Want to build a business that doesn’t require network marketing skills and will earn you passive income for years to come? Please read more about my #1 recommended business model.

A Better Business Opportunity

I had been a consultant with a direct selling company for over three years so I speak from experience when I say it takes a lot of hard work to be successful with the MLM business model.

The initial enthusiasm rubs off pretty quickly if other people don’t share the same love for the product you are trying to sell.

I’ve learned that selling stuff to people is not my strong point even though I loved the products.

Ringing potential customers, dealing with return and refunds, traveling for hours to do presentations without sometimes getting any sales was tough going.

I know of people who were super successful but they were working consistently for around 40 hours or more a week.

Well, looking back I’d say it was a huge learning curve but not what I was looking for in an ideal business. In reality, the hours weren’t exactly flexible, instead, I had to work in the evening and on weekends.

For the past three years, I have been building my online business that doesn’t involve recruiting or calling people at all. Now I can work whenever and wherever I want to work with only a laptop and an internet connection.

I have to be honest though: my recommended business model is not for everyone. It takes at least 6 to 12 months of consistent work to see the first results aka earning money.

If you are able to invest between 10 and 20 hours of work a week then you will surely succeed.

Once you get the foundation right, you will earn passive income for years to come. All it takes is good training, consistent work, and taking action!

Ready to take the leap and start a legit business that doesn’t involve recruiting or selling? Sign up here for free!

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