Welcome to our review post to find out more about the Winasun MLM company.
Finding the right business to start with can make you discover a lot of interesting companies and their unique products.
These new company discoveries will lead you to many places. In our years of reviewing MLM companies, we’ve seen a lot of companies from the Americas and Europe.
So, I guess it’s time that we also feature one from Oceania, particularly one based in Australia. This brings us to Winasun which advertises with the bold tagline, the best MLM Online Company ever.
In this review, we will give you the information you need to know so you will know what is Winasun about.
Let’s get started and get to know Winasun and in the end, we hope to give you our insights about Winasun’s business opportunity offering.
Other MLM companies you might be interested in: Vabo-N, Omnitrition, or Sunset Gourmet.
Looking for new ways to get more leads and sales without actually talking to anyone?
Read more about how you can catapult your leads with any MLM and network marketing company.
What Is Winasun All About?
The Winasun Company

Winasun is an Australian-based company that produces, markets, and distributes healthcare products.
It follows a network marketing or MLM model in selling its products. It is mentioned that the company is operating in 5 countries across 4 different continents - Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America.
Winasun’s domain name is owned by Drion Australia Pty Ltd.. It seems that these two are sister companies both headed by Nick Kambounias. According to Nick’s Linkedin profile, he had been with Procter Gamble for more than 12 years prior to leading Winasun.The Winasun Products

Winasun offers a variety of healthcare products. These products are divided into Drion products and supplements.
Drion Products consist of negative ion-charged personal care products. They are listed below.
- Dry Pads 1 packet - AUD8.50
- Pantiliners 1 packet - AUD8.50
- Night Pads 1 packet - AUD8.50
- Energy Card - AUD66
- Negative Ion Patches - AUD66
- Negative Ion Toothbrush - AUD66
- Acai Berry Capsule
The company also offers Rochway products such as listed below among many others.
- Bio-Fermented Concentrate available in Turmeric, Lychee Iced Tea, and Blueberry
- Olive Leaf Throat Spray - AUD17.05
- Probiotic Kakadu Plum Sherbet
- Probiotic Coconut Sherbet
- Beans and Greens Powder
- Bio-Fermented Papaya - AUD30.80
- 25 Billion Good Bacteria Probiotic - AUD27.50
How To Join The Winasun Business Opportunity
You can join Winasun by becoming a distributor. You need to pay the annual enrollment fee of AUD100 to be one.
As a distributor, you can purchase Winasun products at a wholesale price. Your membership also comes with a personal website that will serve as your online store.
Winasun also offers the opportunity for stockists within your own country when you become a partner.
The Winasun Compensation Plan

Earning an income in Winasun’s compensation plan is divided into two ways - earning from retail profit and levels based bonus.
Earning a retail profit is earning the difference from the wholesale price that you purchase the products as a distributor and sell them by retail to your customers.
Levels based bonus is the commission that you can get from the commissionable volume that your downline accumulated.
This is dependent on your ranks that can be bronze, silver, or gold. Qualifications on these ranks are based on accumulated GV for each month.
Depending on your ranks, you will receive a commission at increasing levels. For bronze, you can get a bonus as a percentage of CV up to your level 3 downline.
For silver, you can get a bonus up to your level 5 downline and for gold, you can get a bonus up to your level 7 downline.
A detailed explanation of Winasun’s compensation plan is available on this link here.
How Much Can You Earn With The Winasun Business Opportunity?
Winasun has no income disclosure statement available on its corporate website or anywhere on the internet. In an MLM company, an income disclosure statement is important for prospective members because it shows how existing distributors are faring in terms of their income earnings.
Much has been said about MLM not really helping members earn enough from the business opportunity. Several independent studies about MLM companies found out that most people actually lose money from such an opportunity.
Our own MLM reviews in a span of several years have made us realize that only 1% of MLM members earn full time while the rest of the members actually struggle with their earnings. We also learned that about 50% of these members were earning close to nothing.
So, given these findings of MLM companies and getting to know another company without an income disclosure statement as in the case of Winasun, we cannot help but expect the same result when it comes to your possible earnings as a member.
MLM business opportunity has some good points, unfortunately, a guarantee of having enough earnings is not one of these. Enrolling in an MLM business opportunity will make you your own boss however, it can be the case that the MLM business model will not be ideal for you.
Looking at Winasun’s compensation plan, it is quite straightforward and it is a good thing. However, just like in other MLM companies, you need to sell the company products and build your team of good sellers and recruiters as well.
This system tends to saturate your local markets for the company’s products and will eventually bring you to a point where you will run out of leads.
If Winasun’s compensation plan works differently from that of other MLM companies then it is a good thing but if this is the case, then we wonder why Winasun could not show it by first making available its income disclosure statement.
The Pros And Cons Of The Winasun Opportunity
At this point, we know that Winasun is a legal company based in Australia. It is affiliated with a company that manufactures its own products as well as distributes products of a known Australian supplement brand Rochway.
It is headed by leaders with experience working for multinational consumer brands. With its tagline, the best MLM online company ever, it gives an opportunity for ordinary people to start a business at a minimal startup cost.
Relative to other MLM companies’ compensation plans that we have reviewed, Winasun has a simpler and straightforward version.
However, we cannot omit the fact that Winasun is an MLM company without a published income disclosure statement. Becoming a distributor of an MLM company makes you a business owner but you still need to sell the products and recruit people to join your team.
This may sound simple but this is not for everyone. The MLM business model of selling, recruiting, and duplicating your effort with your team members tends to saturate your market reach and can eventually result in you running out of leads. Not to mention, you will also face competition with other market brands.
Also, we are again reminded of the harsh figures in the MLM industry, the proven fact that most people lose money in this kind of business.
With a 1% success rate of earning full-time income in joining a similar business and without any guarantee or basis that this fact can change in joining Winasun, I must say that joining this company must be given careful thought especially if you don’t have the leverage of experience and expertise in this field.
Here Is What I Recommend To Make Money Online
I am not a fan of MLM, not because it is not legit, but through my own experience of being a sales representative (the school of hard knocks).
I was restricted in the products I could sell, I had to recruit to climb the ranks, and I had to invest quite a bit of money. No, thank you!
Instead, my recommended business model is Affiliate Marketing.
These are the simple reasons, why:
- Promote any product you want
- You don't have to recruit anyone (no more annoying friends and family)
- Make passive income from anywhere in the world 24/7
- It is free to get started.
I was able to build an online business with affiliate marketing that is now making a 4-figure monthly income stream.
Thanks to my own hard work and without selling anything or recruiting anyone, I can now lead the lifestyle I want.
Click here to find out how I did it.
It's time to start a REAL business!
~ Anke

Please note, this post contains affiliate links.
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