Is Opulence Global Just A Scam?

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Fashion, beauty, and health products are the top product categories that are sold online. Opulence Global is one of those companies that has recognized the potentials in these product categories.

 In this article, we feature Opulence Global. With the trio of strong product categories on its belt, can Opulence Global be the network marketing company that is designed for you to succeed?

 Or, can it be the case that Opulence Global is just another scam circulating the internet today? 

In this article, we will bring you the answers to these questions. I have done my homework for you and give you the things that you needed to know about this fashion, beauty, and health company called Opulence Global.

Without further ado, let's dive in.

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Is Opulence Gold Just A Scam

More About The Opulence Gold  Company

opulence global logo

Opulence Global, previously known as Global Wealth Trade Corporation, is a network marketing company dealing with beauty, fashion, and health products.

 It was founded in 2005 and is currently headquartered in Ontario, Canada. 

The CEO and founder of the company is Ramin Megarlou who is said to have a total of 27 years in the direct sales industry with outstanding media and social accolades. 

The company seems to operate globally across continents and has an office branch in the Philippines.

It is listed in Better Business Bureau with A+ rating.  

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The  Opulence Global Products

opulence global products

Opulence Global products are classified into fashion, personal care, and health.


Opulence Global fashion products include jewelry & watches, bags & wallets, shoes, accessories, and fashion tools.

Personal Care

Opulence Global personal care products include body wash, shampoo, natural spray, toothpaste, lip treatment, eye serum, night serum, day moisturizer, and hydrating cleanser. Bath and hair products are under the brand name POSH while the rest are under FERI.


Opulence Global products are under the brand Fountain of Life (FOL). these are patented natural drops containing antioxidants.  

There are no prices shown for the products. Under the products, it says “Contact your Opulence Director for pricing.” 

Similar companies are La Bella Basket, Thirty-One Gifts,  Initial Outfitters, and Reveal Products.

How To Join Opulence Global

opulence gold membership option

To join Opulence Global, you need to launch your Opulence shop through the below options.

Retailer - $270

Lifestyle Advisor - $1800

Lifestyle Promoter - $720

The  Opulence Gold Compensation Plan

Retail Profit

By selling Opulence Global products, a member can earn as much as 67% retail profit.

Wholesale Profit

When you launch a new online shop you will be paid with a wholesale profit from $15 to $250 depending on your shop level and the level of the new shop that you will launch. 

Team Commissions

As a member, you can earn team commissions of up to 8.5%  on your entire organization to infinity.

Marketing Bonus

Marketing is a bonus paid to members as they sell more. This is a bonus to encourage members to also grow their marketing promotions.

There are other bonus programs also including convention,  luxury cruises & trips, luxury car, fast track bonuses, mentorship bonuses, revenue share pool, organizational bonus, and free shopping spree programs.

Below is the power cycle bonus that relates to the giving of marketing and convention bonus.

opulence compensation plan

For a detailed version of the compensation plan, you may check out this YouTube video.

Can You Make Money With Opulence Global?

Opulence Global does not have an income disclosure statement to show given that it has been 16 years in the business.

 This I think is a red flag when reviewing an MLM company like Opulence Global.

An income disclosure statement can easily prove that a company like Opulence Global is indeed a business opportunity where you can make some money.

However, this is not the case with Opulence Global as it does not have any income document to show for its members’ earnings.

In the case of Opulence Global, when you watch its compensation plan video, there have been some mentions of the possibility of earning up to the ceiling amount.

 Like for wholesale profits, it says on the video that you can earn up to $250 for every launched shop, up to $3,100,000 annually on team commissions, up to $4000 a month in luxury cruises and trips, and up to $100,000 in fast track bonus.

 In my opinion, these marketing pitches are empty without an income disclosure statement to back them up. 

The way I see Opulence Global’s compensation plan, it is retail-driven in small part and recruitment-driven in most parts.

With this business model, several problems arise. Since Opulence Global has no income disclosure statement to show, we can’t help but compare the end result to what we have already seen from other MLM companies.

 In my years of reviewing MLM companies, I rarely see a success rate higher than 1% in terms of the percentage of members earning full-time.

 In a way, this is a misrepresentation because MLM companies often label their offers as a business opportunity. How can a business be an opportunity to earn if you have only a 1% chance of success? 

With no proof as to how much its members are earning, we cannot actually give you an answer  if you can earn money from Opulence Global.

 However, if you think you have what it takes to be part of the upper 1%, then surely your likelihood of earning money in an MLM company like Opulence Global is promising.

 But, with this glaringly low success rate, it’s a risk that you should think very wisely before jumping into it.

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The Pros Of Opulence Global

  • Opulence Global has been in business for several years with leaders that are openly introduced on its corporate website.
  • The company has global operations.
  • It has an A+ rating in Better Business Bureau.
  • The company has a great product portfolio with products that are retail-viable.
  • The retail profit rate is relatively high.

The Cons Of Opulence Global

  • Retail prices of the products are not available on the company’s corporate website.
  • Recruitment is necessary to maximize your earnings. 
  • Commissions and bonuses are paid in multilevel that tend to only benefit the very few leaders on top.
  • Resources discussing the compensation plan is inadequate.
  • There is no income disclosure statement.

Conclusion - Is  Opulence Global Just A Scam

Labeling Opulence Global as a scam is surely unfounded based on my research.

 Opulence Global is a legit and stable company. The company has a solid 16 years of operations with leaders that have been with the company from the start.

 Opulence Global’s operations span internationally across continents in the world. It has received some media and social accolades and has been rated A+ by Better Business Bureau. The products are relevant and are retail-viable.

The company also offers a retail profit rate that is considered high in comparison with the industry standard. 

However, on the question of whether or not Opulence Global is the company that is designed for you to succeed, I would like to step back and make you decide on your own as you are the only person who knows exactly your capabilities.

 What I can only give you is how I see Opulence Global as a business opportunity from a perspective of a person who has been reviewing MLM companies for years.

Sure thing, Opulence Global is retail-driven, but I don’t get the point why retail prices of the products are not available on the website.

 Although the retail profit margin is high, if you are an Opulence Global promoter, you can only leverage your income earnings by recruitment.

 Since commissions and bonuses are paid by several levels and depend on your position in the organization, the system tends to only benefit the top-level members.

To make matters worse, Opulence Global has no income disclosure statement to back the excessive income possibility that its compensation plan is discussing. 

The way I see it, Opulence Global is one good company with a strong foundation based on its years of operation, product portfolio, and executive responsibility.

However, it falls short in proving that there’s a promising business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs out there to start on.

 The fact that Opulence Global operates under the multi-level marketing framework and no income disclosure statement is shown, for me it’s reason enough to approach this company with caution especially if you are unsure of your capabilities in making sales, recruiting, and in mentoring others to do the same.  

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