Welcome to my post What Is Pink Zebra? – Turn Your Passion Into Dollars. This post is for women who are looking for a flexible work from home opportunity. You might be a stay-at-home- mom or you want to earn some extra money to pay of bills or maybe to spoil yourself a little bit.
Have you been approached by a Pink Zebra consultant who has offered you the chance to join the company? Maybe you love the scented candles and other Pink Zebra products and want to share them via direct selling and earn a commission?
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Either way, it is always a good idea to do your thorough research before you start your new career as a Pink Zebra consultant.
Read my detailed review to find out how you can join and if you should join this MLM company. Another important factor to consider is if you can make any money selling Pink Zebra products.
Let’s find out all the facts you need to know about Pink Zebra.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
Read how I earn four digits a month without selling or recruiting.
What Is Pink Zebra? – Turn Your Passion Into Dollars
What Is The Pink Zebra Company
Tom and Kelly Gaines are the thriving force behind Pink Zebra. With a strong background in making candles for other companies, they decided in 2011 to take the plunge and found their own (direct selling) company Pink Zebra.
The company focusses strongly on women as their main customers and also as the main force for becoming a Pink Zebra consultant. The biggest strength of Pink Zebra and its founders is that they know what their customers want and therefore develop desirable yet high-quality products.
Prior to becoming the direct selling company with their headquarter in Sugar Land, Texas, Tom and Kelly build a successful business in making candles and became the 3rd largest candle manufacturer in the USA.[source: Pink Zebra website]
Even though the company has been in the direct selling industry for only 7 years, which is young compared to ‘dinosaurs’ like Avon, Tupperware, or Pampered Chef, they managed to build a sales force of over 38 000 consultants in the US and Canada.
What Are The Pink Zebra Products
The main product Pink Zebra consultants are selling are scented candles which are quite unique in the way they are made. They are tiny wax bead Sprinkles available in 55 fragrances. The cool thing is that the customer can mix them and create their preferred fragrance.
Pink Zebra even offers recipes on its website. The Sprinkles are made in the USA and consist of a blend of soft soy and paraffin wax.
Another quirky invention is the body-safe liquid soaks that come in 25 different fragrances. Soaks are blendable and can be sprayed, or soaked with the exclusive ‘Just Add Soaks” products.
In the wide product range, you’ll also find Simmering Lights and Accent Shades. The prices are affordable at $9 for a jar of Sprinkles and the more expensive Accent Shades that can cost up to $50.
The company offers a 90-day guarantee on the products.
How To Become A Pink Zebra Consultant
As you can see on the picture, a standard starter kit retails at $99 and includes business supplies as well. The more expensive Deluxe Kit costs $199.
To be counted as an active consultant, you have to have $150 in sales in a rolling 6 months period.
There are a few ways, how a Pink Zebra consultant can sell the products. The main way is via in-home presentations called Blend Bash where customers can blend their own fragrances with the help of the consultant. It’s about the experience, the smell, and also some guidance from the consultant.
Customers can also choose from different themes which are at present: Baking, Celebration, Holiday, Man Cave, Sip&Sniff Spa, and Winter.
Products can also be sold via the personal website, virtual parties on Facebook, and events like fairs or booth sales.
E-tools like the ZebraNetApp and the website are free for the first 60 days. After that, the PZ consultant has to pay $11.95 a month.
Get A Quick Start – What Is That?
Like most MLM companies, Pink Zebra has an incentive program in place so consultants can essentially earn free products which they can showcase at a Blend Bash.
The picture shows how the amount of Pink Dollars increases according to the sales volume. Pink Dollar is an internal currency the company uses but I don’t know what the value of one Pink Dollar is.
You can basically buy PZ products with it which you can later show at presentations.
A new consultant is also encouraged to sponsor as soon as possible and gets Pink Dollar rewards as well.
More About The Compensation Plan
The base commission on retail sales is 25% and increases the more you sell to a maximum of 35%. On top of that, you can earn 7% of the sales from your personally sponsored team members, no matter what rank you are. That is actually quite good and very different from the usual MLM structure.
You would also get 3% on the team sales even as a consultant (the lowest rank). That is a fabulous incentive to start sponsoring from day one.
But, to qualify for the sponsoring bonus, one has to have a minimum of $400 in sales.
All up, there are seven ranks with the highest being Presidential Director. Once you achieve a rank, you always have the title.
Leadership and generation bonuses kick in with the higher ranks, of course.
Read the full compensation plan here.
Can You Make Money With Pink Zebra

To figure out if you can make money with selling Pink Zebra I usually have a look at the income disclosure. I didn’t find any income disclosure, only a screenshot of an income graphic from 2015.
Steve from iveriedhat found it somewhere but I had no luck finding the original source. You can read Steve’s Pink Zebra review here.
Anyhow, the graphic gives me a bit of an idea of the earning potential. To earn a good income you have to be at least an Executive Manager with a solid team under you. Otherwise, the earnings make just for a bit of a side hustle.
To make a good sales commission, you should have parties with around $500 worth of sales to make at least $125 in commission, expenses not included. That equals a lot of sprinkles one has to sell, 56 jars of sprinkles to be precise.
Therefore, you need to recruit as many people as possible so you can benefit from the sponsoring bonus and team sales.
The truth is that “The overwhelming majority of MLM participants (most sources estimated to be over 99.25% of all MLM distributors) participate at either an insignificant or nil net profit. Indeed, the largest proportion of participants must operate at a net loss (after expenses are deducted) so that the few individuals in the uppermost level of the MLM pyramid can derive their significant earnings.” [source: Wikipedia]
Overall, based on the graphic it doesn’t look like you can earn good money as a Consultant, Executive Consultant, or Manager. You really need to hassle to build a team.
Are you up for it?
Should You Become A Pink Zebra Consultant
It looks like becoming a Pink Zebra consultant could be a good ‘work from home’ opportunity if you are just looking to make some extra money.
I had been with a direct selling company for three years so I know what to look out for in a good ‘business’ opportunity.
But before I give you my opinion I would like to have a look at the Pros and Cons with the Pink Zebra business opportunity.
There are a few things I like
- I do like the high-quality products and the concept that comes with it. Who doesn’t like to create a unique fragrance to make the family home feel more inviting.
- Pink Zebra has a strong charitable focus. For example for each $500 party, Pink Zebra donates one day of free childcare which benefits single moms and 10% from each product’s sales in the HEROES Hope Collection goes to national charities.
- Pink Zebras commission plan is generous considering that they pay out 7% as sponsoring bonus and 3% on team sales regardless of your rank. I don’t know of any MLM company that does that.
- Pink Zebra provides online training tools, monthly webinars, and the ZebraNetApp which is basically the back office for each consultant.
Here are the Cons about Pink Zebra
- The income potential seems low unless you are able to sponsor lots of people into your team.
- The products are affordable which is great for the client but not so good for commission payments.
- To primarily sell the products through in-home parties makes sense because customers need to smell the fragrances and one of the Pink Zebras unique selling points is the fact that customers can blend sprinkles to create their own scented candles. But: it can be challenging to get people to host parties due to busy lifestyles, job and family obligations.
- There is so much more involved than just doing parties. You not only have to travel to the venue, hold your presentation and go back home. There is a process to it. Before the party: you need to do your hostess coaching. That means you have to ring (not text) the hostess a few times prior to the party to make sure a) she has invited enough people, b) find out how many are coming, c) is anyone interested to book a party d) is anyone interested being a consultant, e) the party is going ahead.
Tip: usually the hostess is a potential recruit since she already loves the product.
After the party: a) send out ‘Thank you cards’, emails, or text messages, b) put the orders through, c) ring your potential next hostess and repeat the hosting coaching process, d) invite a potential recruit for a coffee date. - Last but not least: It is not your business.
Let me explain the last point further because this is the biggest drawback for me with any MLM company.
It Is Not Your Business
The biggest Con with any MLM company for me is that it is not YOUR business. You don’t have any influence on their marketing structure, price policy, or anything else business related.
Of course, you are flexible and can determine your working hours. But most likely you won’t get rich, instead, your upline will get rich.
Based on my research and the facts I have outlined before, becoming a Pink Zebra consultant might be a viable work from home opportunity for people who love the product, love being social and don’t mind ringing people or doing presentations.
You could make some extra money and would surely get repeat customers because of the quality products.
If you are looking to earn a full-time income then you have to recruit lots and lots of people into your team and they have to recruit, and so on and so forth.
It requires lots of hard work and takes more than 30 hours of work a week.
The investment for a starter kit is reasonable so there is not much risk to lose a lot of money.
Alternative Business Opportunities
There are many other ‘work from home jobs’ out there that will give you the chance to be your own boss, and work flexible hours.
If you are one of those people that jump from one MLM company to the next in the hope of finally earning the big bucks these companies are promising, then it might be time to stop NOW and reassess.
So Here Is What I Suggest
Build A REAL business, build a business where you are in control and not depend on recruiting people and hoping for the best.
I recommend to build your own website and promote things you feel passionate about. You could write about perfume, scented candles, home decor in general and show people how to make their homes cozy and comfortable.
If you are a Pink Zebra consultant you could learn how to drive traffic to your website by writing content that is relevant to your customers. In return, it could generate sales and even lead to new recruits.
I have even seen some good websites from Pink Zebra consultants. Here is a good example.
With owning your own website, you don’t have to stick to just one company. It is good to give people choices so they can choose what is best for them.
The point is, with your own blog/website you have your own REAL business that no one can take away from you. It is your asset with your own stamp on it.
You don’t need any inventory, you don’t have to ring customers, or ask friends and family for favors, and there is no recruiting necessary to earn money.
You can work flexible hours from home and anywhere you like. You are your OWN boss!
Sounds good to you? You can read more about it here.
For many, the sound of blogging, and building a website may sound intimidating but there is a training platform where you learn step-by-step everything on how to build an online business.
It is completely free to start and doesn’t require any credit card details. With the help and support of this online platform, I have built my online business for the past three years and earn now four digits a month in passive income.
Please feel free to check it out for yourself.
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Start Building A REAL Business!
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