Is Vasayo A Scam – Or Legit?

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Welcome to my Vasayo review and the question if getting involved with this MLM company which sells products in the health and wellness niche is a reliable income opportunity for you or just a plain old scam.

Vasayo is a company that sells its products via independent distributors who in return earn a commission.

The MLM business model is especially appealing to people who are looking for a work-from-home job and like the idea of working without a boss.

It comes as no surprise that the MLM industry is booming despite the fact that only a minority of people make it to the top of high-income earners.

My detailed review will only briefly touch on the products.

The main focus lays on the income opportunity with its compensation plan, and the joining process though.

Is Vasayo a scam and can you actually make money with this company are questions that are most searched online.

Also, what makes Vasayo different to companies like IDLife, LifeVantage, or Synergy Worldwide, for example?

The health and wellness niche is one of the most saturated and therefore highly competitive markets in the MLM industry. So, it is important for you to know the point of difference with Vasayo.

At the end of this review, check out my recommended business opportunity that doesn't involve recruiting or selling.

Read on to find out more.

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Is Vasayo A Scam - Or Legit?

Facts About The Vasayo Company

Vasayo Logo

Vasayo is a Utah-based MLM company which has only be founded three years ago in 2016.

Just as a side note, there must be around 100 MLM companies that are operating from Utah, just like Nature's Sunshine, LifeVantage, and Zijah International.

Dallin and Karree Larsen are the founders of this company and are by no means no newcomers to the MLM industry.

According to Wikipedia, Dallin Larsen started his career as a senior executive for Dynamic Essentials and USANA before launching his own business ventures which resulted in founding an MLM company, MonaVie, in 2005.

MonaVie And Dallin Larsen

Some of you may have heard of MonaVie because of its questionable reputation. Not only stated the company health benefits with no scientific proof, it also faced pyramid scheme allegations.

The majority of MonaVie's distributors didn't earn anything or only small amounts of commission.

Well, the list of negative headlines could go on for a while but I am sure you get my point.

Dallin Larsen, as founder and former CEO of MonaVie, to me doesn't seem trustworthy with such a long list of controversy.

Eventually, in 2015, MonaVie was bought by Jeunesse Global.

I find it quite interesting, that only one year later, in 2016, Dallin Larsen has founded a new MLM company Vasayo with new products.

This time products which are based on micronutrients. Wow, what a 'miraculous' comeback!

Would you trust the founder Dallin Larsen and his new business venture?

The Vasayo Products

vasayo products

As mentioned before, the products are based on micronutrients and Vasyo prides itself to have developed ADT, an Advanced Delivery Technology. 

That means that Vasayo claims that its product are not only contain quality nutrional ingredients but also will be delivered and absorbed in the body where it is needed. [Read more here]

The brand name for the product range is called Microlife with the following product categories:

  • V-Tox
  • Eternal
  • Microlife Core Complete
  • Microlife V-Slim
  • Microlife Neuro
  • Microlife Sleep
  • Microlife Renew

The products are not more expensive than other products from MLM companies in the health and wellness niche but of course cost more than dietary supplements one can get in health shops or on Amazon.

I am not here to judge if the products are actually worth the money or not. That is something everyone needs to find out for themselves.

But, here is something you should know before getting involved with the Vasayo opportunity: Lots of the products are being bought by the distributors themselves so they can qualify for commission payments.

I'll talk more about in the compensation plan.

Sounds familiar? Yes, this is common practise for many other MLM companies, e.g. Synergy Worldwide, ASEA, or LifeWave.

Moving on ...

How To Join Vasayo

vasayo enrollment kit

As you can see on the image above, you can join Vasayo for $49.95 but I haven't found out what you'll get with the enrollment fee.

You can also purchase different packages starting from $150 up to over $1000. These higher priced packages will give you, of course, instantly PV points.

To remain as an active distributor, you must have 80 Personal Volume (PV) in products each month.

80 PV equals between $108 and $118 worth in products. 

So be prepared to spend at least $100 each month on product purchases to qualify for commission payments.

Which brings me to the commission plan... 

The Vasayo Compensation Plan

vasayo compensation plan

The image above shows the eight ways a Vasyo distributor can earn money.

Let's shed some light on what all these abbreviations stand for:

  1. CSB: Customer Sales Bonus
  2. PIB: Product Introduction Bonus
  3. TC: Team Commission
  4. TCM: Team Commission Matching Bonus
  5. RAB: Rank Advancement Bonus
  6. GLB: Global Leadership Bonus
  7. LT: Lifestyle Trips
  8. MCB: Multiple Business Centers

Vasayo has a binary commission plan structure which means you have to recruit at least two new distributors into your team; one will be placed in the right leg and the other person on the left side (leg).

You'll always get paid a team commission on the leg with the lesser sales volume.

The team commissions get paid up to seven levels deep. You can only qualify for the team commission matching bonus when you are at the bronze rank or higher and have 160 PV in product purchases.

By the way, Vasayo has 18 ranks one can climb which is a bit excessive.

Regarding the Product Introduction Bonus - you can earn a 20%  commission on purchases from newly sponsored Brand Partners only for their first commissionable order.

Read the full compensation plan here.

Can You Really Make Money With Vasayo

The question is though, can you really make money with the Vasayo income opportunity.

Unfortunately, Vasayo has not yet published an income disclosure statement, so it is not an easy question to answer.

Based on what I have researched with countless other  MLM companies, the majority of distributors remain in the lower income levels because for most people it is challenging to recruit.

This comes as no surprise because most of the time new recruits have to be willing to commit to auto-ship orders to ensure they stay active and as a result are eligible for commission payments.

That means before you even earn anything, you have to spend a whole lot of money first.

So, I'd say that your chances of making an income with Vasayo are very slim.

Let's have a quick look at the Pros and Cons of Vasyo.

The Pros Of Vasayo

  • The joining fee of $49.95 is not too bad but it is not sure what is included. You may also have to purchase a starter pack which can be expensive 
  • Vasayo offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on the products.

The Cons Of Vasayo

  • To qualify for commissions you have to be active with at least 80PV. Once you get to the bronze rank and want to qualify for the team commission matching bonus, you need 160 PV (over $200).
  • The focus seems to be more on recruiting rather than selling the products.
  • Vasayos founder Dallin Larsen had a controversial past as founder of MonaVie which consistently made headlines for the wrong reasons. He may have learned from his mistakes but only time will tell ...

Conclusion - Is Vasayo A Scam

Based on my research, I would be very careful to get involved with Vasayo. It may not be a scam considering the product range and the fact that the products are available internationally in Japan, Canada, Hongkong, Indonesia, and Taiwan.

But! The founder Dallin Larsen has made negative headlines with his former MLM company MonaVie for false health claims, allegations of running a pyramid scheme, and had to face various lawsuits.

On top of that, MonaVie defaulted on a $182 Million loan and went into foreclosure. The company was eventually bought by Jeunesse Global in 2015.

Only one year later, after MonaVie was sold, Larsen is founding Vasayo with a new product range. 

Taking the above facts into account doesn't speak for the trustworthiness of Larsen and his new business venture Vasayo.

In addition, It looks like there is only a slim chance to make an income. Chances are that one would lose money then earn anything at all.

Here is what I would recommend to earn a passive income, without selling or recruiting.

My Recommended Business Model

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